Every minute of every day, every action, reaction, decision, event and process is
expressed in the form of data – data that is collectible and yields knowledge.
The Internet has created the opportunity to distribute data, in electronic form,
more efficiently and with less energy consumption.
For consumers, it has made daily tasks simpler and easier. From knowing which movie
you want to watch to the app that provides real-time weather and traffic information.
With which data is seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.
It has made business processes more transparent for companies. However, here's the
crucial fact: only 20% of product data is accessible to consumers online - meaning
that 80% of available product data cannot be accessed by consumers in their online
purchasing process. This means that this product is not part of the crucial first
decision moment in the consumer's purchasing process.
The reason for this is that this data resides on local servers, encapsulated in
business-to-business enterprise solutions, which are designed and built pre-Internet
for internal business application areas. With the aim of integrating multiple internal
facets of a company's business activities through the exchange of data from different
business process areas and related databases.
The architecture developed for this purpose within a closed source IT ecosystem and
associated business, distribution and revenue models. Does not lend itself to sharing
the data with the application possibilities of the Internet and its
open source IT ecosystem.
Beyond that, a lot of product data, especially in small and medium-sized businesses,
is still locked up in Excel files, paper sales catalogs and physical products.
As a result, these companies are unable to make their data accessible through all
added values in the consumer's online purchasing process. And therefore cannot
directly use the enormous potential values and applications of this data. Such
as being able to communicate directly with the consumer via all added values.
And thus optimizing the consumer's purchasing process and the sales process to
this consumer. And thus realize a much less energy-consuming and cheaper sales and
purchasing process.